During a 33-year career...Why do they always start by trying to prove how unbiased they are when the whole point of the article is to explain their bias?
First he starts with a pure assertion. Hillary is highly qualified and Trump is not and dangerous to boot. (There's your politics of fear Bob.) I can respect that as long as it's backed up with solid evidence. It isn't.
I never saw her bring politics into the Situation Room.What does that mean? How the hell does he know what her political calculations are? If he's trying to say she's not a political beast, a derisive snort is about the only sensible reply. How about Trump then?...
- "self-aggrandizement" Now there's a rare thing for a politician. /sarc.
- "overreaction to perceived slights" Perceived? He's been attacked with a fury that only a biased media can ignore. So is the writer advocating that America just bend over and take it as we did when the Iranians captured and insulted our sailors and country?
- "decisions based on intuition" A powerful tool for many good people.
- "refusal to change his views based on new information" A lie. Trump chooses which positions he's firm on and has been scolded for those he is not. Even those he is firm on can alter when more facts are brought to bear. Do we want somebody that blows in the wind with every unconfirmed random bit of news?
- "carelessness with the facts" Nevermind that he's usually right if inarticulate.
- "unwillingness to listen to others" Another fat lie. He built his fortune listening to other, but coming to his own conclusions. Ignoring truthful arguments has been the democratic trait. Look up unwillingness to listen and you'll see Obama's picture (with McCain patting him on the shoulder.)
- "lack of respect for the rule of law" Laws often made by people that lack moral principles. These people routinely exempted themselves from the very laws they use as weapons against the American people. Where is the respect for law that keeps Hillary from being behind bars! These are howlers, folks.
[Trump] is already damaging our national security.How does this pure assertion stand scrutiny? Ever heard of the Clinton foundation? This is way, way, way beyond a howler. This is an ear splitting screamer.
Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him.Unlike Hillary, who actually made us vulnerable by not protecting national secrets.
"Putin is a great leader"Yes, by many standards he is. Acknowledging that doesn't mean he isn't evil as well. A leader is someone who has followers (by any means.) All the evil men of history were great leaders or we'd have never heard of them. Trump will unabashedly negotiate for an American advantage with every world leader. Hillary has already demonstrated treason for which she will never be held account.
In the intelligence business, we would say...This from an agency that hasn't always demonstrated its allegiance to American interests in recent years.
"undermined security with his call for barring Muslims"So vetting immigrants now undermines security? Does he work for THAT MONUMENT TO PUBLIC SAFETY, the TSA?
"many Muslim Americans play critical roles in protecting our country"Great. What does his have to do with vetting immigrants? If you're having trouble coming up with the answer, the answer is absolutely nothing. They are two different groups of people. However, some Americans are also terrorists (but somehow these work related, or nightclub, incidences seem to escape their notice.)
"[I] call it as I see it."
With a blindness that is so far beyond astounding that it boggles the mind. Every accusation he's thrown at Trump as a possibility is a damning reality a thousand fold with Hillary as far as national security goes.
Update: Upon reflection, I'd have to say this is one of the best articles for choosing Trump over Clinton. Great job, CIA guy.
Update: Upon reflection, I'd have to say this is one of the best articles for choosing Trump over Clinton. Great job, CIA guy.
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