Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Inspiration mars

Will make it's announcement today. From it's website...
Inspiration mars will generate knowledge, experience and momentum for the next great era of space exploration. It will encourage and embolden all Americans to believe again in doing the hard things that make our nation great, while inspiring the next generation of explorers to pursue their destiny through STEM education. Now is the time!
Tito's, entire net worth [$200m] is about what this project will cost. Wow. Update: Tito promises to fund the first two years of the project.

Five years! The American frontier spirit is not dead. Does it require a life coach?

Does it surprise me that the motivators are all girls? Nope. How do you think the west was really won?

Inside the mind of a space tycoon.

A NASA lunar staging location for mars?

Update: from Rand.

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