Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How does capturing asteroids change things?

NASA plans to bring an asteroid back to orbit the moon. Which happens to be the plan of two commercial companies, Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries. Commercial as in, they plan to profit.

NASA would start the project with $100m. Is this just paperwork? If they actually returned the rock itself, it could be valued at billions.

How does this affect the commercial ventures? Discuss.

Consider this as well, just one asteroid is valued at earth's entire annual income.

Update: Job applicant's: NSFW


john hare said...

Can I start a project, any project, with $100M please? PULLEEZZE

ken_anthony said...

You certainly may.

When you get your $100m remember to hire me as a consultant. Not that I'd have any expertise, but I promise to hire myself an assistant that looks good in a bikini.