Monday, October 15, 2012

Destination focus: Moon or Mars?

If we focus on the moon we will neglect mars. If we focus on mars we can't neglect the moon. Please try to convince me in comments that I'm wrong.

Update: Whereas a stronger case can be made for use of ISRU on human missions to Mars, the case for lunar ISRU in the current ESAS architecture does not stand up to scrutiny.


Anonymous said...

"We" don't focus on Mars or the Moon except in a top down decision. If some focus on the Moon and others on Mars, then the Lunatics can support the Martians, as can the NEOnuts and the Asteroidians.

The Moon has an early export in energy of position that is often neglected. A Lunar rotovator can sling a dumb rock to an Earth grazing trajectory at near escape velocity. An LEO rotovator can catch that stupid rock and convert its' velocity into near escape velocity for a suborbital payload. So a dumb Lunar rock could lift a Martian payload from 3,000mps below Earth orbital velocity to within a few hundred mps of Mars injection. In this way, the moon can support trips to Cislunar space and the rest of the solar system in a manner that no other body in the solar system can.

ken_anthony said...

It sounds like you are substantially agreeing with me? The moon certainly has a unique position in supporting missions.

But the question is. Where do we send humans in quantity as independent colonists first. I apologize for being less than clear on that.

Anonymous said...

We don't send. People send themselves to their preferred destination. With free market space development, your opinion or mine is not important except as a predictor to base a business on.

I was not agreeing that Lunar development in any way detracts from development of other destinations. I think Mars is an honorable and rational choice as long as you don't want my tax money for the project.

john hare

ken_anthony said...

I stand corrected. You are absolutely right on this point.