Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A more perfect union

It's a cumbersome phrase. Our founders aspired to perfection knowing it wasn't achievable. They founded a great country, but with flawed documents. For example, consent of the governed can never really be the basis for a government. You can never get the full consent of everyone and consent of the majority (if you have even that) is just another name for tyranny.
...the ultimate criteria of legitimate governance is the protection of natural rights.
These are liberty and property. If you have these two, you have them all. Having these both means you have life and the ability to pursue happiness. The mistake our founders made was to include superfluous language which tyrants and demagogues use to take away these inalienable rights.

If you actually had these rights (and it's trivial to show that we don't) as long as you were not harming someone the government would have to get your consent. The fact is, they often don't care about your consent if they have the power to force you without it.

Some people are saying Judge Roberts gave congress a new right to unlimited tax. He didn't. It's been in our constitution (Article 1. Section 8.) in black and white since the beginning. All he did was give us a wake up call. All governments are by nature tyrannical. We do need some government, but it should be limited and our founders gave tyrants too much to work with; but they did their responsibility. Now Roberts points out WE THE PEOPLE need to do ours.

"It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices."

Update: The eternal meaning of independence day.

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