I'm going to do New Mexico after I visit California. I'm just not in a NM mood right now. My "Build Equity" with low risk plan doesn't really kick in until after I finish paying the remaining $600 I owe on my GMC Jimmy but otherwise I'm on track for now. After New Years things should become a bit more flexible for me. Then I'll try to find a nice under $100 digital camera and document my journeys a bit.
If you happen to read this I wish you well on your life journey.
We'd better start understanding this point sooner rather than later:
On its metric for “Legal System and Property Rights,” the U.S. is 33rd in the world today, down from number one in 1980.The constitution provides a never used before way of restoring our liberties.
This seems an insightful comment: The GOP controls the House, period. They have enough members in the Senate to block cloture. No amount of insisting that the strategy is “doomed” changes these facts. Stay united against Obamacare, and the strategy succeeds.
Between 6) and 7) you vote some of the bastards out of office.
Good question: How can one actually consent if there is no possible way to withhold consent?
Finally, what to do: Get away from the keyboard.